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an t-eiteann

leathanach baile / táirgí / rialú pláistí laistigh / an t-eiteann

Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control
Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control

Saijzek anti-mosquito nontoxic electric led insect trap indoor fly zapper machine for bug killing and insect control

cur isteach
sjz ábhar nua bladeanna bog solúbtha eitilt fan cistin bialann go huathoibríoch shoo tiomáint ar shiúl eitilt fan, eitilt ar shiúl fan eitilt crochta
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control supplier
tuairisc ar an táirge
le haghaidh eitiltí agus feithidí eile laistigh de theach, is féidir leat triail a bhaint as gabháil feithidí faoi stiúir leictreach gan-tocsaineach frith-mhúise. tarraingíonn sé pléascaí le solas faoi stiúir agus marú iad ag baint úsáide as grid ardvoltais. tá an gléas saor
Coimhlint éisc, glasraí, plandaí agus gairdín, feirme, baile agus imlíne
2 phacáiste 100 píosa/ctn
ainm an táirge
an t-iasacht fisiciúil
Oibríonn sé is fearr le haghaidh: aon uimh, sliogáin torthaí, mosquito, mosquito beag, agus feithidí beaga eile.
teach+óstán+oifig+seomra codlata+bialann
dath saincheaptha
nádúrtha. comhshaoil-chairdiúil
cineál rialaithe pláistí
luibheanna, mosquitoes, moths, fly,luibheanna
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control details
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control details
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control manufacture
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control supplier
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control details
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control details
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control factory
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control supplier
pacáistiú & seachadadh
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control details
próifíl na cuideachta
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control manufacture
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control manufacture
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control details
Seirbhís ar líne 24 uair an chloig

1. cé muid?
1) is monaróir bunaidh muid.
2) le níos mó ná 14 bliain taithí.
3) réitigh gairmiúla de réir riachtanais chustaiméirí

2. maidir le seirbhís OEM/ODM
Is OEM/ODM inghlactha

3. faoi thréimhse seachadta agus íocaíochta
1) samplaí ar stoc: 2-5 lá oibre
2) táirgeadh slua: 15-35 lá oibre
3) calafort: Shenzhen

téarmaí íocaíochta:
L/c,t/t, paypal, ráthaíocht trádála ar alibaba

4. faoi bharántas: 1 bhliain
Má tá antáirgía fuair tú lochtach nó damáiste, seol pictiúir nó físeáin chugainn le do thoil. Cuirfimid ar ais d'íocaíocht nó
a chur in ionad ceann nua duit.
Tabhair faoi deara le do thoil nach nglacfaimid le cúiteamh ná aisíocaíocht as scriosadh de bharr duine nó mí-úsáid.
Saijzek Non-Toxic Anti-Mosquito Electric LED Insect Trap Indoor Fly Zapper Machine for Bug Killing and Insect Control manufacture

a fháil ar a lua saor in aisce

Déanfaimid teagmháil le do chuid ionadaí go luath.
ainm an chuideachta

táirge gaolmhar

onlinear líne